Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Edmund Spenser, 1569-1599: Sonnet XVI

ONe day as I vnwarily did gaze
         on those fayre eyes my loues immortall light:
         the whiles my stonisht hart stood in amaze,
         through sweet illusion of her lookes delight.
I mote perceiue how in her glauncing sight,
         legions of loues with little wings did fly:
         darting their deadly arrowes fyry bright
         at euery rash beholder passing by.
One of those archers closely I did spy,
         ayming his arrow at my very hart:
         when suddenly with twincle of her eye,
         the Damzell broke his misintended dart.
Had she not so doon, sure I had bene slayne,
         yet as it was, I hardly scap't with paine.


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